Squirm, Shriek and Jump No More. Our Spider Removal Helps.

Many Canadians recoil in fear at spiders hanging out in their space, and for good reason! Causing psychological distress and arachnophobia, spiders invade homes and businesses through cracks and holes in walls and doors. Making webs in dark and quiet spaces, spiders often inhabit basements and garages.

For the most part, Canadian spiders are harmless. Only the brown recluse spider and the black widow spider are the two types of poisonous spiders in Canada. Whatever spider infestation you have, our spider exterminators respond quickly and efficiently. We have over 90 years of experience removing spiders from homes and businesses nationwide.

How Our Spider Pest Control Works

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! We use tried-and-tested methods of spider pest control to deliver the effective results you expect.

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Step 1 Spider Inspection
On your initial service, we’ll hunt high and low for spiders and their eggs, documenting our findings in a comprehensive inspection.
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Step 2 Spider Defence
We’ll treat the interior and exterior of your home or business, targeting the spiders you see and the ones you don’t. Outside, we’ll establish an effective perimeter around your property.
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Step 3 Spider Monitoring
During ongoing service treatments, we’ll come back to treat outside your home or business, fortifying the perimeter to keep you protected. Our custom spider treatments adapt with the seasons to address seasonal spider activity in your area. This way, you’re protected all year long.

Frequently Asked Questions

It all depends on the species. Black and yellow garden spiders are active in late summer and throughout autumn. Cellar spiders are found year-round. Common house spiders are most visible in late summer and early autumn.

Most spiders in Canada can bite you if they feel threatened or you catch them hiding in your shoes or gloves. Spiders can cause psychological distress for many people who suffer from arachnophobia. The sight of spiders can also affect your home or building aesthetically. Spiders are more of a nuisance than a hazard, but for many people the sight of spiders strikes fear in them, deeming them worthy of spider removal and eradication.

For the most part, Canadian spiders are harmless. However, there are two types of poisonous spiders in Canada, the brown recluse spider and the black widow spider. It’s also possible to find other poisonous spiders in Canada that aren’t native to our land but have snuck here in shipping crates from the United States or Mexico.

There is a misconception that our poisonous spiders are fatal, which they can be, but it’s very rare. For the most part, you’ll experience swelling, pain, cramping and in the case of a brown recluse, you’ll experience a small amount of necrotic tissue in the area you’ve been bit.

Unless you see the spider that bit you, it’s very hard to know what you were bitten by after the incident. Many spider bites look the same.

Many spiders prefer dark and moist environments, often making homes in caves, tree hollows, shrubs, soil, or under rocks. In homes, you’ll often find spiders making their webs in basements, garages, and other dark, quiet spaces. They get in your home through cracks and holes in your walls or open doors.

If you have one spider, it doesn’t mean you have a spider infestation. Spiders lead solitary lives and, in some cases, can live up to 15 years. They prey on other pests like flies, aphids, caterpillars and various insects.

Since spiders often enter homes through cracks or gaps, keeping your windows and doors closed and properly sealed will help stop them from entering. Seal or caulk any cracks or gaps in your foundation.

Keeping your home free of other insects will also help to discourage spiders from entering your home too. Spiders want to live where their food is, so no food source equals no spiders. Removing spider webs from your home can also help discourage spiders.

Dehumidifiers can help remove the extra humidity from the air in basements, making the space less appealing to spiders.

Since spiders often enter indoor spaces through cracks or gaps in buildings, keeping your windows and doors closed and properly sealed will help stop them from entering. Seal or caulk any cracks or gaps in your foundation.

Keeping your premises free of other insects will also help to discourage spiders from entering your building too. Spiders want to live where their food is, so no food source equals no spiders. Removing spider webs from your premises can also help discourage spiders.

Dehumidifiers can help remove the extra humidity from the air in infested areas. This makes the space less appealing to spiders.


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