The Humane Way to Remove Wildlife. Our Wildlife Animal Control Helps.

Bats, opossums, raccoons, skunks and squirrels all come into contact with humans for food, water and shelter. When you have unwanted guests, our humane wild animal control preserves your property and keeps wildlife out. We specialize in both residential and commercial wildlife animal control. Additionally, our exclusion and/or removal methods use humane wildlife control techniques and supplies to safeguard you and your family, customers or employees.

From preventative to emergency wildlife removal, we remove, control, and prevent the intrusion of small suburban wildlife in and around your home by sealing entry points. Our humane approach to wild animal control leaves virtually no ecological footprint and ensures no stress or harm comes to any animal.

How Our Wild Animal Control Works

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! We use tried-and-tested methods of wild animal control to deliver the effective results you expect.

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Step 1 Wildlife Inspection
On your initial service, we’ll hunt high and low for wildlife and their hiding spots as well as any vulnerable areas, documenting our findings in a comprehensive inspection.
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Step 2 Wildlife Defence
After inspecting and investigating your wildlife problem, we’ll devise a unique removal plan that includes permanent humane wildlife solutions to prevent wildlife returning.
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Step 3 Wildlife Monitoring
If wildlife comes back to your home or business, so will we. Our custom wildlife control techniques adapt with the seasons to address seasonal wildlife activity in your area.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most wildlife pests are mammals and active for most of the year. Depending on the specific animal, you may experience more problems come spring when they begin to give birth. Both little and big brown bats are active for the majority of the year. The latter species is active year-round whereas the former species is active every month besides December, January and February. Raccoons are active for seven months of the year, from April to October. Although opossums don’t hibernate, they still seek out dens that are dry, sheltered and safe during winter, but will be active the rest of the year. Skunks are active year-round, from January to December. It’s very common to stumble upon an abandoned skunk den in late February. If you need wildlife skunk removal, it can be quite stinky to attempt it yourself. It’s better to call in the pest control specialists at Terminix Canada.

When Canadian wildlife pitches up in or near your home, it can create lots of issues. Intruding wildlife causes structural home damage, the destruction of gardens and the digging up or looting of fruit or vegetables. Some wildlife species carry disease and contaminate any food that is left out.

Many species of wildlife spread disease through their fecal matter and saliva, and can pass it onto both humans and pets. Besides scratching and biting, some species like skunks spray to defend themselves. This spray can cause skin irritation, blindness and linger on your property for a long time.

If you’re looking for effective wild animal control, it’s important that you call a humane wildlife control team to deal with your animal problems. Wildlife pest control is highly regulated, and you can get in serious legal trouble if you don’t do it properly. Whether it’s wildlife skunk removal you need or you’re wondering how to get rid of squirrels in your backyard, Terminix Canada offers professional and humane pest control solutions for all types of pest.

For instance, in some areas it’s illegal to remove a female raccoon and her babies from their home until the young are old enough to evacuate with their mom.

Canadian wildlife operates similarly to how we all live our lives. Many species of wildlife are often looking for a good place to shelter that has access to food and water. Unfortunately, that often ends up being in our homes or buildings. Many different species of wildlife have adapted to be able to eat just about anything from insects and bugs to our garbage.

Often, you’ll find raccoons, skunks or opossums living in garages, under porches, barns, sheds or abandoned buildings.

Other wildlife invades your space and tries to replicate their natural habitat. If you have bats, you probably won’t notice during the day unless you happen to stumble upon a sleeping one in a dark closet or corner of your home. During the night however, you’ll likely hear the flapping of their wings as they fly around searching for food.

Getting rid of food sources is very effective when it comes to wildlife pest control. Make sure your garbage bins and compost are securely closed and stored away from your home. Make sure any bird feeders or animal food are brought in overnight. Trim any trees or shrubs that are touching your home as they can act as a bridge to your roof or attic. Make sure that your home is free from any leaks, cracks or potential entry points via your chimney or vents. You can also purchase motion activated lights or sound repellents.


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